Cheers To The Future With MACAU BEER 向往時乾杯,為更好未來

2019-12-20 浏览量 744

Cheers to the Future with Macau Beer


1999年是澳門回歸的大日子,今年是回歸二十週年。澳門啤酒扎根澳門,一直見證著澳門的成長。為慶祝此盛事, 澳門啤酒更新了包裝,加入二十週年元素, 為這個大日子增添色彩!

1999 was a very significant year to Macau. Having been rooted in Macau, Macau Beer has whitnessed the significant development and growth in the past years. To celebrate this special occasion, a new packing has been introduced, where Macau’s unique St. Paul Ruins is combined with graphics alusive to this special 20th anniversary!

New packing celebrates 20th Anniversary

Reminisces The Old Days


Looking back on Macau’s early development from a small fishing village to a “World Centre of Tourism and Leisure”, an internationally renowned city of culture where east meets west and fast growing for businesses, travel and tourism. Over the years, Macau Beer has progressed and developed with Macau.

澳門啤酒的使命: 擔當建立友誼的第一步

Mission of Macau Beer: Be the ambassador in building friendship with tasting the best local beer of Macau

Macau Beer is a positive force for reinforcing and building friedships!

11月22日澳門啤酒與葡中工商會於葡萄牙領事館官邸舉行“澳門啤酒 x 葡中工商會暢飲於西望洋山”,並在活動中舉行對更新包裝後的澳門金啤進行上市儀式。通過點亮澳門塔,見證澳門金啤的新包裝正式上市。為澳門塔亮燈的主禮嘉賓有中聯辦副主任姚堅先生,立法會主席高開賢先生,葡萄牙駐澳門及香港歐冠溢總領事,旅遊局文綺華局長,澳門啤酒有限公司蔡明威聯席董事長,葡中工商會祖達斯主席。

“Macau Beer x CCILC chers at Penha Hill” was a joint event organized by Macau Beer and The Portugal-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCILC) on November 22. At the event, a launching ceremony was held for the renewal Macau Beer Golden Ale. By lighting up the Macau Tower, witness the launch of new packing for Macau Beer Golden Ale. The guests who lit up the Macau Tower were:

1. Mr. Yao Jian, Deputy Director of LiaisonOffice of the Central People’s Government in the Macau Special AdministrativeRegion;

2. Mr. Kou Hoi In, President of LegislativeAssembly of Macau SAR Ambassador Paulo Cunha Alves, ConsulGeneral of Consulate General of Portugal in Macau and Hong Kong;

3. Ms. Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes,Director of Macau Government Tourist Office;

4. Mr. Charles Choy, Co-Chairman of Macau BeerCompany Ltd;

5. Mr. João Marques da Cruz, President ofPortugal-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Japanese brewing master, SHIRAIWA YASUNAO has specially prepared “Lotus Platina Macau” and “Macau Amber Ale” for guests at that night.

澳門啤酒為配合大灣區建設,以非傳統方式作推廣,並定位為 “旅遊啤酒”,推動澳門旅遊發展,體現了澳門友善、多融以及豐富的風土人情。

To contribute to the development of the Greater Bay Area, Macau Beer is proud to being a partner building Macau as a tourism destination, embodying Macau’s friendliness, diversity and rich local culture.

為更好的未來乾杯 !